Fine art & design

I seek out moments that occur in our present urban setting, where evolving abstract beauty, deconstruction and decay collide. In nature we see infinite patterns, intricate and perfect.


On the streets I see something similar emerging… my work is immersed in recreating the rhythm and found beauty on the walls and streets around East London, layered with papers, graffiti, and text.

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I made a little video after looking at my butterfly photos from the last two Summers.
Despite planting wild flowers, no mowing, rewilding over the last two years especially to help and encourage insects, I have seen a severe lack of them this year and I can’t help worry where they are.

I’ll be doing the @savebutterflies butterfly count this year as I always do. Go to their profile to read what to do. You only have to give 15 mins to count butterflies. I think we need to do this even more this year.

Butterflies have always been a constant source of fuel and inspiration for my work and I have felt a deep bereavement for not seeing peacocks and red admirals on my buddleia. And bees? 🐝 where are they?

I hope you enjoyed my little reel reminiscing on Summers gone by. Let’s pray for balance. It’s all out of balance. I feel Mother Earth is giving us the clues to stop and take stock of what really matters in life.

“The beauty of the butterfly is a miracle, they come to us with a message, we just have to listen”

Sending love from a very, stormy, cold, wet Wales. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

#butterflies #britishbutterflies #savebutterflies #butterflycount #insectcrisis #butterflyconservationuk #peacockbutterfly #redadmiralbutterfly #savebees #beethechange #natureinspiration #naturelover

Lobsters are solitary and strong creatures who, as they grow molt or shed their outer shells, which provide protection.

This process of molting is symbolic of regeneration
and transformation, while the process of releasing hard outer shells represents transcending fears and blockages of the ego or mind, reminding us to let go of our attachments or whatever we are gripping onto.

The lobster’s growth and molting is continuous throughout its lifetime, showing us that our cycles of inner growth and healing are continuous as well.

Lobsters have been a BIG part of my art journey and it is only recently I am understanding the poignancy and symbolism they hold to my growth and healing.

I’m really excited to be producing some new lobsters with a new outer shell forming.

Have a Happy lobster Thursday. 🦞🦞🦞

#lobsterart #coastalart #europeanlobster #lobsterpainting #marinelife #marineconservation #stbridesbay #pembrokeshirecoast #lobster #eviantonioart

Good Thursday morning.
Come on a walk with me… I love walking, whether it’s in the countryside or walking through the urban streets of London, I will always notice and see things that I note and collect for my work.
The work will organically evolve from a colour, a texture. Everything is stored, filed in my brain or my computer!

Sometimes it’s obvious and spontaneous, sometimes I have to sit with all my collections and go back to my library when a lightbulb moment comes.

I hope you enjoyed this little snippet into my daily life collecting inspiration and sharing the beauty I see.

For more info, visit my website (link in bio)

Have a great day.

Evi x

#natureisgoodforthesoul #essexcountryside #dogwalking #artistinspiration #naturalworld #natureinspired #londonstreetart #bricklanestreetart #spraypaint #graffitilondon #shoreditchstreetart #londonartist